Graduation Photos 2023/24

Here you will find photos from our graduation ceremonies in 2023/24. Right-click on an image and select Save As (or your browser’s equivalent) to save the full size version. Ceremony #1 Ceremony #2 Ceremony #3
New student information – Please read

New student information – Please read

During the week of 26th August, students will be sent details of which date(s) their particular registration/induction is.  Registration and induction for students will take place on a date between 5th and 13th September inclusive.  At...
DCFE – End of year Music Gig

DCFE – End of year Music Gig

Our Music and Sound students end of year gig is just around the corner. It is being run by our Airline and Tourism groups for their event production module, and it is being recorded by our Film students. Please support this student centred event!  You can get tickets...
Ulreeka’s Wagathon – Photos

Ulreeka’s Wagathon – Photos

A big thank you to everyone who helped out and participated in Ulreeka’s Wagathon. Here are some photos from the day: If you still wish to donate, you can do so here: Follow Ulreeka on Instagram here:...
Ulreeka’s Wagathon – Photos

Ulreeka’s Wagathon

Join us at Dunboyne College of Further Education for a day filled with wagging tails and heart-warming companionship at Ulreeka’s Wagathon! This special event, dedicated to supporting the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, will take place in our college car park on...